Levi said: "Mama, don't pass that truck. I like that truck, and want to stay by it, don't pass it!"
I looked over at it and saw the word "SEPTIC" written on the side.
I said: "Do you know what is inside of that truck?"
Levi: "No"
Me: "Poo Poo and Pee Pee"
Levi: "Gross!"
As we kept driving a minute later we passed another truck. This one was silver, had two tanks on it, and looked like a fuel truck to me.
Levi said: "Mama, what is inside of that truck?"
Without thinking too hard about it I said "I don't know, maybe Gas."
Levi started giggling back there in his car seat. Then I had to crack a smile because all of a sudden I realized exactly what kind of "gas" he thought I was talking about.